200q20v Insurance payoff

Edward J Kellock ekellock at juno.com
Wed Jul 10 20:58:39 EDT 2002

I went through almost the same experience with my Avant.
USAA.  They non-renewed me the next time around.
I'm with Safeco now.  Are there any insurance companies
that don't play this game as hard as these two?

Colorado Springs

On Wed, 10 Jul 2002 01:15:30 EDT Bayviewtom at cs.com writes:
> There has been a lot of talk on this subject, and as an insurance
> agent,
> allow me to give my two cents worth.
> The guy with the Avant worked damned hard to get his money's worth,
> and I
> applaud him for that. As owners of 200 20V's, we know amoung the
> enthusiasts
> they can sell between $7k and up, and more for the rarer Avants.
> Insurance
> adjusters are not aware of that, nor do they care. They go by NADA
> book
> value, which varies by region. They take that figure, and then
> deduct any
> faults they perceive the car to have.
> e
> Therein lies a double-edged sword. The insurance you pay on your car
> is a
> fraction of its actual worth. The insurance company you are with
> operates on
> a term called imdemnity. This means to put you back in the same
> situation you
> were in before you suffered a loss. But, insurance company's live
> and die by
> their reserves in the stock market, and are not willing to pay out
> more than
> they need to. And if you suffer a loss, and get a big pay-out,
> chances are
> you will be non-renewed. My advice to the Avant owner is to start
> shopping
> for new insurance, as I am 99% certain your insurance company will
> drop you,
> since they are now losing money as a result of your loss.
> Just my two cents as an insurance man,
> Tom
> BTW my car is still for sale on e-bay
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