200q20v Insurance payoff

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Thu Jul 11 00:32:36 EDT 2002

At 07:58 PM 07/10/2002 -0600, Edward J Kellock wrote:

>I went through almost the same experience with my Avant.
>USAA.  They non-renewed me the next time around.
>I'm with Safeco now.  Are there any insurance companies
>that don't play this game as hard as these two?

One of the things you can do if you have a "special" car is to get a
value-stated insurance policy.  The insurer accepts a value an independent
evaluator sets (and bills you appropriately), so in the event of a total
loss, you know how much you'll get. Most companies issue these, but there
also are specialists in the special-car and special-boat and special-cycle

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