control arm ball joint/bushings

Steven Hauptmann hauptmanns at MAIL.LLR.STATE.SC.US
Wed Jul 31 11:46:51 EDT 2002

<<How difficult is it to replace the control arm bushings ??>>

Check the Bentley and search the archives on control arm removal.
The trickiest part is getting enough leverage on the control arm near the
ball joint to get it out of the knuckle. If you end up needing more
detail...let me know.

Once the control arm is removed you will need a shop press and some press
tools (large sockets and appropriate sized pipe sections will work) to
remove the old bushing's and press in the new one's.
Or you can take it to a machine shop and let them worry about it. That's
what I did last year.

Although I did not have a shop press when I did this last year, I have since
purchased one from a local Harbor Freight Tools store. They carry a 20 ton
unit and a 12 ton unit. I bought the 12 ton press on sale for ~$90.

Steve Hauptmann
South Carolina

 -----Original Message-----
From: 	Schaible, David [mailto:David.Schaible at]
Sent:	Tuesday, July 30, 2002 11:39 AM
To:	Joshua C; 200q20v at
Subject:	RE: control arm ball joint/bushings

How difficult is it to replace the control arm bushings ??

-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua C [mailto:smuckycat at]
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 11:07 AM
To: 200q20v at
Subject: control arm ball joint

I just got my car inspected this weekend and it seems as though my ball
joint on the control arm (PS) is trash.
?   is this something that can be repalced seperatly?  Or is it time for a
new control arm?
I am going to do new bushings too when I do the shocks (in the mail) so it
may be cheaper/easier to do the arms anyways.  Does anyone know of a company
that may sell reconditioned suspension bits?  (as in new bushings already
pushed in), or who would have the best prices?

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