control arm ball joint/bushings

DAK dak at
Wed Jul 31 12:04:56 EDT 2002

Wow. When I did this on my 5KTQ, I got control arms w/ ball joint and
bushings for about $100 from TPC.  At this price, it doesn't seem worth
the trouble of refurbing the control arm.


Steven Hauptmann wrote:

><<How difficult is it to replace the control arm bushings ??>>
>Check the Bentley and search the archives on control arm removal.
>The trickiest part is getting enough leverage on the control arm near the
>ball joint to get it out of the knuckle. If you end up needing more
>detail...let me know.
>Once the control arm is removed you will need a shop press and some press
>tools (large sockets and appropriate sized pipe sections will work) to
>remove the old bushing's and press in the new one's.
>Or you can take it to a machine shop and let them worry about it. That's
>what I did last year.
>Although I did not have a shop press when I did this last year, I have since
>purchased one from a local Harbor Freight Tools store. They carry a 20 ton
>unit and a 12 ton unit. I bought the 12 ton press on sale for ~$90.
>Steve Hauptmann
>South Carolina
> -----Original Message-----
>From: 	Schaible, David [mailto:David.Schaible at]
>Sent:	Tuesday, July 30, 2002 11:39 AM
>To:	Joshua C; 200q20v at
>Subject:	RE: control arm ball joint/bushings
>How difficult is it to replace the control arm bushings ??
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Joshua C [mailto:smuckycat at]
>Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 11:07 AM
>To: 200q20v at
>Subject: control arm ball joint
>I just got my car inspected this weekend and it seems as though my ball
>joint on the control arm (PS) is trash.
>?   is this something that can be repalced seperatly?  Or is it time for a
>new control arm?
>I am going to do new bushings too when I do the shocks (in the mail) so it
>may be cheaper/easier to do the arms anyways.  Does anyone know of a company
>that may sell reconditioned suspension bits?  (as in new bushings already
>pushed in), or who would have the best prices?
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