Thermostat Replacement?

Jobe Tichy bimmer_dude at
Fri Jun 7 22:43:30 EDT 2002

[ Converted text/html to text/plain ]

Quick question--Will it be necessary to remove the hydraulic pump in order to
remove the thermostat from its housing?  Bentley did not develop this much,
and a friend with the AAN 20v said he did not have to (But I know that the AAN
configuration of lateral accessories like the pump have a serpentine and are
located differently).  From my experience it looks like I can get in there
with my assortment of long extensions and wobble necks.  Any quick heads up
before I jump in there will be great.

Thanks in advance


'91 200tq 20v

'84 BMW 318i (modified)

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