boost problem solved (I think)

Bernie Benz b.m.benz at
Sun Jun 23 16:29:53 EDT 2002


I was relating to Dan's specific circumstance.  He had rotated the entire
distributor, housing and rotor 180 degrees at which point he was able to run
the engine, as you agree is possible, below.

> From: "Michael Sylvester" <mike.sylvester at>
> Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 17:51:09 -0400
> To: "Bernie Benz" <b.m.benz at>
> Subject: Re: boost problem solved (I think)
> Actually, it is true Bernie.
> When I say 180 off, I mean the rotor is pointing opposite from the mark on
> the dist housing and this will not run.  If he has the entire assembly
> inserted 180 then that will run, but who cares as long as you can route the
> plug wires.
> As far as the shutter window goes, the ignition only uses it at startup to
> determine the stroke after which the crank position and engine speed sensors
> are used, except in the case of a CPS failure while running.  Then it falls
> back to the hall sensor.
> It is probably hard to do on a 20v but while the car is running, turn the
> dist or even unplug the hall connector from the dist and see that the engine
> still runs.
> Mike
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Bernie Benz" <b.m.benz at>
> To: "Michael Sylvester" <mike.sylvester at>
> Cc: "200q20V mailing list" <200q20v at>
> Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2002 10:21 AM
> Subject: Re: boost problem solved (I think)
>> Not true Mike,
>> If the engine is 360d off and the dist is 180d off all is OK, relatively,
>> except dist wiring is a stressed PIA.
>> And he need not ref the cam pulley mark, inasmuch as he is either at comp
>> TDC or at ex TDC.  His dist position necessary for running shows that he
> was
>> at ex TDC.  The situation has been quantified!
>>> From: "Michael Sylvester" <mike.sylvester at>
>>> Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2002 09:09:05 -0400
>>> To: "Dan Simoes" <dans at>
>>> Cc: "200q20V mailing list" <200q20v at>
>>> Subject: Re: boost problem solved (I think)
>>> Dan,
>>> The engine will not run if the dist. were 180 deg off.
>>> For the car to start, the timing reference pin on the flywheel must
> align
>>> with the sensor at the same time the hole in the shutter wheel lines up
> with
>>> the hall sensor.  If you are 180 off, this will never happen.  There is
> only
>>> a few degrees of margin with this adjustment.
>>> FYI the stroke can not be determined by the flywheel/crank.  Now that
> the
>>> dist has been removed you must use the mark on the cam shaft gear.
>>> Mike
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Dan Simoes" <dans at>
>>> To: "Bernie Benz" <b.m.benz at>
>>> Cc: "200q20V mailing list" <200q20v at>
>>> Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2002 7:35 AM
>>> Subject: Re: boost problem solved (I think)
>>>>> After putting the TDC mark on the flywheel at the window pointer, did
>>> you
>>>>> verify tha it was TDC compression stroke, and not TDC exhaust stroke,
> by
>>>>> looking at the rotor?
>>>> No, I actually already had the dist off at that point I think.
>>>> So you think I should remove the distributor, get the 0 back in the
>>>> window, and reinstall the distributor 180 degrees off where I am now?
>>>>> Sounds like the engine was at TDC
>>>>> exhaust when you removed the old one and you then reinstalled as if it
>>> were
>>>>> at TDC compression.
>>>> How do you know where in the stroke it is?  I had a straw in the #1
>>>> cylinder to see when it was going up/down.
>>>>> If correct, the rotor should be pointing forward and
>>>>> the Hall sensor should be at about 2 oclock.
>>>> When you say forward, what direction is that?  Like 9 oclock?
>>>> Knowing that the Hall sensor is supposed to be at 2oclock is helpful.
>>>> It would probably be simplest to just note the current rotor position,
>>>> remove the distributor, and reinstall 180 degrees from where I am now,
>>>> and fine tune by rotating the dist until it starts, I guess?
>>>>> Bernie
>>>>>> From: Dan Simoes <dans at>
>>>>>> Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 23:01:03 -0400
>>>>>> To: 200 20v <200q20v at>
>>>>>> Subject: boost problem solved (I think)
>>>>>> OK, here's the cliff notes as it's late.
>>>>>> I set out to tackle replacing the distributor, saving myself a 2.5hr
>>>>>> round trip to my local Audi specialist.
>>>>>> I set the engine at TDC, indicated by the 0 in the (tiny) window
> above
>>>>>> the transmission.  I did this by having the car on a slight downhill,
>>> in
>>>>>> 5th gear, and a helper on/off the brake as I literally hovered over
>>> the
>>>>>> hood trying to see in.
>>>>>> Once at 0, I removed the distributor by first chiseling off the
>>>>>> protective cover and bolt, removed the 13mm nut and "yoke" holding
> the
>>>>>> dist on.  I then verified that the gear was only slightly worn, but
>>> the
>>>>>> dist had considerable play in it, compared to new.
>>>>>> I lined up the rotor, hash mark on the round piece below it, and the
>>>>>> hash on the body of the distributor, and inserted it with the hall
>>>>>> sensor connection at about 2oclock, as you look at the dist from the
>>>>>> drivers side.
>>>>>> The car would not start.  Verified wire connections, etc as you know
>>>>>> (thanks to Brett, Paul Royal and Peter S. for calling in with
>>>>>> advice/comparisions).
>>>>>> Had dinner, came back out with a mag lite to try to loosen the 13mm
>>> nut
>>>>>> enough to rotate the dist.  Succeeded after some time (coming in from
>>>>>> the firewall this time, cap and wires still on!) and rotated the dist
>>>>>> counterclockwise as my brother in law cranked the engine.  nothing.
> I
>>>>>> was hitting the manifold, so I went back the other way.  At some
>>> point,
>>>>>> vroom.
>>>>>> The hall sensor is now at around 7 or 8 oclock, but the car starts.
>>>>>> I went for a quick test drive and it held boost in 3rd and 4th gears
>>>>>> uphill, which before it did not (digital gauge showing 1.7, analog
>>>>>> around 13psi).
>>>>>> I'm not sure what all this means.  Could it be that the engine was
>>>>>> already 180 degrees off, and my rotation just compensated for this?
>>> Or,
>>>>>> am I the one who is off?  I'm not sure if I should leave it like this
>>> or
>>>>>> have it checked out, you tell me.
>>>>>> I didn't even tighten the nut yet, but will do so tomorrow.
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