frequency valve - problem diagnosis

Fundsalo Racing fundsaloracing at
Thu Mar 28 04:58:45 EST 2002

The FV is driven directly by the F/TCU, no relay.

Popular problems could be:

bad FV (never had one fail, so far....)
intermittent wiring between F/TCU and FV (it's an
intermittent F/TCU FV driver circuit (known to fail,
but usually fails hard, I know how to fix this now,

Suggest installing % duty-cycle meter to FV input and
observe during operation. I use a combo O2/%
duty-cycle LED meter mounted via velcro to the dash,
works great! Has two rows of LEDs so both can be
monitored at the same time as they are related. I can
also switch the % duty-cycle to monitor the mixture
enrichment 6th EFI mounted between the IC and TB. Adds
enough fool for 100HP over and beyond what the stock
CIS can supply.




--- Vincenzo Basile <Bleaf1 at> wrote:
> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> hello i just changed my frequency valve on my car
> the same time i did the multifunction switch,well i
> started the car and the frequency valve started
> makeing on and off type of noise something kinda of
> like a bad relay type sound,with the car dropping
> its idle ,the car was only getting 1.3 boost, but
> now  with that changed im getting an intermitten 1.6
> boost ,when iwent for the first ride after i
> installed it the car kind of like shut down and
> bucked,i continued driving and the car pulled great
> but the pull seems intermitten,is there a relay or
> something that runs that frequency switch ?
> --
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