3B and AAN oil pan incompatibility

Martin Pajak martin at quattro.ca
Sat Mar 30 00:03:48 EST 2002


Sorry to say, but it works perfectly.
BTDT this evening.
AAN windage tray fits the 3B engine with 3B oil pick up and 3B oil pan.
If you need any pics I can supply.
3B and AAN oil pick up are almost the same with exception of the o-ring
instead of the gasket.
They both end up in the same spot in the pans.

I strongly feel your mechanic just did not know the procedure of installing
one of these trays.
Or maybe he was afraid of taking the oil pick-up off, etc.
That's all.

Hope this helps.

Martin Pajak


1983 Audi Ur-quattro (269,000 km) Canadian spec. winter car
1985 Audi Ur-quattro (146,000 km) Euro spec. import ;o)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: TM [mailto:t44tq at mindspring.com]
> Sent: March 26, 2002 14:24
> To: 'Martin Pajak'; 'Quattro List'; 200q20v at audifans.com
> Subject: RE: 3B and AAN oil pan incompatibility
> As Scott J. stated, and I'll quote:
> Taka:
> Not sure what you are trying to do, I don't believe the oil pickup is
> the same on the pan, nor is it the same on the block (AAN uses oring,
> the 3b a gasket, and the pipe goes to a different locale in the pan).
> If I remember correctly the "restrictor" is already in the 3b motor,
> it's just a different design than the AAN.  You should be safe using
> 034103623 in the 3b.  The only time I've run into this is using the
> replacement block from audi which is machined for the oring attachment
> (hence AAN pan), not the gasket type.  I'm also fairly certain you *can*
> use the "restrictor" ...623A, but to do so, you will need a bunch of AAN
> type parts, specifically adding to your list the oil pickup and pan from
> the AAN.  To be clear, the gaskets for both pans are the same, the
> difference is that you will require more than just 623A if doing a 3B to
> AAN conversion.  Since the restrictor on the 3B is a baffle, I really
> don't think it's worth the trouble or expense in converting the 3B to
> the AAN baffle.
> Scott Justusson
> QSHIPQ Performance Tuning
> Scott is correct in that the oil pickup is different and it doesn't
> work.
> Taka
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Pajak [mailto:martin at quattro.ca]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 2:18 PM
> To: TM; 'Quattro List'; 200q20v at audifans.com
> Subject: RE: 3B and AAN oil pan incompatibility
> What is different about the AAN and 3B?
> Block is the same, the oil puimp is in the same location.
> The pans internal structure (the ribs and dams) is the same, BTDT I have
> both and have pics if you would like. Here is one:
> http://www.quattro.ca/1983urquattrogallery/0035.jpg
> If you need more let me know.
> > The oil pickup does not clear the AAN windage tray, how would removing
> > the pickup and reinstalling it help if it simply doesn't clear the
> > tray?
> Have you tried?
> Please try it.
> Thanks
> Martin Pajak
> http://www.quattro.ca
> 1983 Audi Ur-quattro (269,000 km) Canadian spec. winter car 1985 Audi
> Ur-quattro (146,000 km) Euro spec. import ;o)

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