Metallurgy- (was RE: brake conversion-wilwood)

Bernie Benz b.m.benz at
Sun May 12 18:20:47 EDT 2002

Thanks Taka,  I know that, but thanks for the info.  I suspect that Wilwood
may have used a high nickel 300 series, but tough to fab.  Anyway, the term
stainless is application specific for us novices.


> From: "TM" <t44tq at>
> Date: Sun, 12 May 2002 19:50:11 -0400
> To: "'Bernie Benz'" <b.m.benz at>, <QSHIPQ at>
> Cc: "'200q20V mailing list'" <200q20v at>
> Subject: Metallurgy- (was RE: brake conversion-wilwood)
> Bernie-
> I need to comment on your one comment to Scott-
> Stainless steel is not 100% corrosion-proof. If you
> believe that all stainless steels are such, you are mistaken.
> I can cite specific examples, if you like:
> ATS-34
> AUS-8
> Both are stainless steels and both will corrode if exposed to direct
> contact w/ water, forming small rust spots on the surface of the metal,
> but being corrosion-resistant enough that this takes a very long time
> unless it is continually exposed, in which case it will corrode.
> Both are tool steels and often used in high-end knives due to their edge
> holding capability and inherent hardness.
> Very high nickel content stainless steels are far more
> corrosion-resistant,
> as are some rather exotic alloys such as Aermet 100.
> Taka

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