max psi for 20vt?

Brandon Hull Hull at
Thu May 23 17:16:40 EDT 2002

I've got the VDO 30lb gauge, it's fine for my mild chip which maxes at 15lbs, meaning at max the needle is straight up like a proper auto gauge needle should be.  However, VDO also makes a guage which measures a range of vacuum and pressure which I wish I had instead.  I think it measures -25 to +25.  The two benefits are:  now you are close to the full span of likely high boost readings, and 2) by measuring vacuum day in and out you can detect a leak earlier than otherwise.

Brandon Hull
e//S2  w/3B

> Long time lurker, first time poster....Autometer makes a 2-1/16" 30psi
> boost gauge (part # 3303) similiar to the 20psi version. You can order
> it from Summit (and I think they had it in stock) even though its not
> listed in their catalog. The Summit number is ATM-3303. Note, the air
> line barely reaches the A-pillar but it does make it...
> - Dean
> '91 200q20v...chipped w/ Samco's

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