Bose questions...

Chuck Pierce cpcycle at
Sun Dec 14 14:36:25 EST 2003

We Avant owners do not have the Bose system. Just a regular stereo 
system. With head that the buttons foul up.

Chuck Pierce
91 200tq 20v Avant

the Spaeth's wrote:

>Since there has been a string of Bose questions, I thought I may try mine. Our 20v avant has the Audi Gamma tape deck in it. I NEED a CD player. How hard is it to wire in a regular CD player into the Bose mess, without changing out all of the speakers. I am assuming that this system has the Bose amplified speakers if not that should make it easy. Any info on this would be really appreciated.
>the Gorge
>200q20v mailing list
>200q20v at

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