Fri Feb 7 11:57:54 EST 2003

Well another Chicago-Steamboat trip is leaving only memories.  Here's the
report, a bit less full than usual, since the ACCNA event was cancelled due
to warm weather...

Despite praying to the audi gods, mother nature wasn't cooperating well this
year, and both Sat and Sunday qclub track days were cancelled.  Everyone
grouped and chatted in the lot on Saturday, then split up to do their plan
B's.  Rumor has it that several members (including chiefs) of the group took
a rather "spirited" drive up to Steamboat Lake.  Unfortunately a 10+ car
bullet train couldn't fly under the locals motorolas, and the Federalies
showed up at the food stop to council on better judgement.  Names withheld to
protect the guilty, you know who you are.  What did kinda suck, was that
after this, every county between Steamboat and Denver was on alert for the
"audi quattro" boys.  Several innocents got stopped or followed, and even
Bridgestone got a visit from the constables.  Me thinks the days of bonzai
runs in the hills are done.

Meanwhile, listers Hackl (90cq), Ingo (83 urq), Lawson (83 urq), and I (83
urq) managed to grab Steamboat instructor Kurt (85 4kqturbotobe) for a lunch
and a more remote leisurely drive SW of Steamboat.   We ended up in more the
offroad club trying to open some closed passes (felt like I should have
brought the 4runner).  A return to the Condo then off to the Qclub sponsored
dinner.  Good to hook up with the usual crowd, tho the food of '02 was not
bested this year, it was still welcome.

After another night of watching the weather channel, Sunday proved to be a
bust as well, the weather was topping the 45 degree mark.  Most bagged things
at that point and headed home.  Chad Inc. (tm) stayed the extra day, as did
Lawson, ingo, hackl and myself (+ folks).   The weather was promising to
cooperate for Monday, with a low of 10 Sunday night, and a high of 20

Monday, we got to the track early, and were only promised 1.5hours of the 6
reserved, so we got on ice early.  The carnage in the first 15 minutes was
the highest of my past 8 years combined.  Hackl tore the lower bumper off the
cq, Ingo lost his lights (ignition switch problem), Lawson his idle and
starter, and I blew up the right front outer cv.  A quick shuffle, Chad on
track, I parked it, Hackl took off the rest of the parts, and we grabbed the
rest of the precious track time.

After several on track cell calls, I found 3 outer cv's (thanks chris
semple), and had them on standby to send fedex, but no one guaranteed next
day to Steamboat (fo figure).  Then Lawson remembered a certain urq lister at
the bottom of the hill that had to have extra driveshafts laying around his
project car.  A quick call to Steve Eiche and the day was saved.  Steve not
only had my driveshaft, but came up with install tools, starter for Lawson,
pop rivets and drill for Hackl, relays and starter switch for Ingo.  Like
Christmas with an audi santa claus...

Back up to steamboat we went, with me mentally cking off the procedure for
the quickest driveshaft swap.  Finally decided to just remove the innner,
lock the diffs, and go back to the Condo garage for the install.  Took a full
hour to remove the front driveshaft, piled the tools in the trunk, locked the
center diff, and drove to the temp QSHIPQHQ, and finished the install there.
With 3 urq's and the 90 in the "shop" in pieces, it looked like a scene right
out of Audisport World of Rally series.

To the disbelief of the Steamboat track crew, we all showed up ready to rock
and roll again on Tues morning.  Got about 1.5 hours on the tight track
(track 1) then another 3 on the test track (track 2).  We packed in 4 days of
anxiety into 4 hours very well. The "off" count was very low this year, with
maybe 3 or 4 total. We got some great shots, and movies, which I will try to
get up somewhere/somehow this weekend.

Best of:
*  Best improvement:  Ingo Rautenburg.  From 14 tows last year to 1 this
year, very impressive.  Especially since he was driving harder than last year
to boot.

*  Best looking:  Lawson's Lahsa Green still turns heads, polished
"pimp-daddy" fuchs just added to the clean look.

*  Best on Motorola:  "You have a 3rd wheel gentleman (instructor Jib in his
90qsedan), shark amongst the minnows."  - Jib found those 'minnows' swim
pretty quickly; as in too...

*  Best back on the Horse...:  Hackl with zip tied (is that a "be-fore"
bumper?), duct taped and pop rivetted bumper, back on Scandinavian Flicka
Tues.  Dave's reminder to self:  Get turbo.

*  Best in car video:  Hackl panning between steering wheel and turns in my
blurq.  Great action!

*  Best at car video:  Ingo (the dancing irishman) at 10/10ths at turn 1,
absolutely text book turn close up and personal.

*  Best instruction:  Kurt taking shotgun in my car "ok lots of left foot
brake".....  "Or you can just power your way thru it like this (with big

*  Best prep gone wild:  Scott on Sunday:  "The car is running too good guys,
somethings going to break, I always have a little something that's not
right...."  T+15, driveshaft snaps.  Er, thank you(?)

*  Best Eats:  The halapeno venison sausage at the Home Ranch in Clark CO.

*  Best prep:  My folks stocking the condo fridge with first class eats,
flowers on the dining table, fresh fruit on the Special K.  A home away from
home you only get wtih a mother's touch.

*  Best stuff:  Hackl finding the extra 100hp driving the blurq a bit
overwhelming.  A quck stuff bit the RF fender (now they match:) AND a flat
tire.  You go girl!  Me more upset about Hackl lifting in the turn than the

*  Best left alone:  A big thanks to Travis at Steamboat for leaving us the
2in of fresh powder on track Tues morning.  Fantastic plumes for the cameras.

*  Best turn Track 1:   Turn 1 with a very tight coned roundabout.

*  Best turn Track 2:  9-1, left hand downhill 90 left thru the uphil
roundabout 10 thru the tight 90 left at the top.  Video heaven, well

*  Best stuff/tow count:  Ingo 1, Hackl 1, Lawson 1, Justy 0.  Hackl flatted
a tire, so he gets the perpetual Stuff-Cup from Ingo this year.

*  Best question:  Scotty Davis to me  "Are you alright?"  after seeing the
WS50 Blizzax on my burq.  The Hakka q's were taken off and swapped Fri and
Tues respectively.  My vote still goes to the q's, but the 50's worked well

*  Best drive to/fro:  Lawson's back roads to Steamboat and from Steamboat to
Ft. Collins were full of great views and twisties.

*  Best local hangout: The surreal Steamboat Hot Springs.  With all the snow
and the cast of characters running the show, it reminded one of the bar
scenes in Star Wars. The bondage of the floating massage therapist had us all
concerned for my dad.  No one volunteered a rescue, but he came back
smiling....  Scarey.

The round of thanks:  Don and Scotty, good planning, not sure I'd change a
thing, 8years of fun, the odds are still in favor of runing on this weekend.
My folks for melding well into all the traditions of our brothers in q'arms,
even adding a few.  My wife for supporting the escape, my kids for demanding
the reports and sharing the excitement.  Dave Hackl, the best event planner
one could have.  Ingo, for reminding us all, no matter *what* happens, smiles
and laughter first and foremost.  Lawson, for the family condo Friday night,
the "boot" alignment in the qgarage, and great directions for good roads to
and fro.  Chad, for sticking around on Monday with the crew, glad you got
some track time.   Mark Cox, for the ok of my folks being the only two at the
corporate school Friday, a favor I greatly appreciate given the circumstances
(a long friendship in favor of not meeting payroll and questionable track
conditions). Last and without question, the true definition of a "friend in
need", a huge thanks goes to Steve Eiche.  Without Steve's assistance and
selfless haul of parts to the halfway point, our q ordinance would have been
cut in half for Tues.   It was like meeting the Kris Kringle of quattro, with
all our eagerness and excitement of little children as he popped open the bag
of goodies in the back of his A6 sleigh.  Above and beyond my friend...

Another abbreviated, but thoroughly enjoyed Steamboat adventure.

End of Report

Scott Justusson
'83 blurq

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