Dammit (Radiator Neck Repair)

Bryan Foster bfoster at bu.edu
Sun Jan 5 19:07:28 EST 2003

I repaired my radiator neck last April after loosing all my coolant while
driving through Boston.  I had bought the car one month prior and
discovered that the previous owner (or his mechanic) had broken the
nipple and just shoved the hose back on.  So I used the dealer kit:

200-121-003 glue
200-121-001 insert

$30 total from Brookline Audi.  I flattened out the broken surface
with a knife and roughed up both the insert and radiator with 60 grit
sandpaper before gluing.  The glue sets up very fast so be ready to go
when you mix it up.  So far no problems.  For some people this fix doesnt
work and the thing breaks off in a week.  Mine has held up since April and
about 10,000mi.

Bryan Foster

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