parting '91 200 20v by Postupak call the FBI

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at
Tue Jan 21 03:19:47 EST 2003

  Glad I read this.  I was ready to mail a cashiers check to the
guy.  For the Engine.  Thats a lot of money.  Enough that if he
screwed me I'd likely get on a friggin plane and fly over to his
house to show him what I think of that.  With my 5-Dcell
Maglight. :-)
  Has anyone recieved their parts yet?  I spoke with him before
Christmas and he had a fellow interested that had dibs.  NEver
heard back.  Then after a few calls I got a message stating his
computer crashed and he lost all his contact info for people
interested in parts.  Since then he has been good about
comunication.  But Shayne tipped me off to this thread so I
thought I'd better subscribe again and see whats going on.
      Todd (loving the Quattro List "and its offspring")

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