parting '91 200 20v by Postupak call the FBI

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Tue Jan 21 06:43:50 EST 2003

How recently and thru what internet/phone connection have you had
communication, Todd?

At 03:19 AM 01/21/2003 -0800, Todd Phenneger wrote:
>   Glad I read this.  I was ready to mail a cashiers check to the
>guy.  For the Engine.  Thats a lot of money.  Enough that if he
>screwed me I'd likely get on a friggin plane and fly over to his
>house to show him what I think of that.  With my 5-Dcell
>Maglight. :-)
>   Has anyone recieved their parts yet?  I spoke with him before
>Christmas and he had a fellow interested that had dibs.  NEver
>heard back.  Then after a few calls I got a message stating his
>computer crashed and he lost all his contact info for people
>interested in parts.  Since then he has been good about
>comunication.  But Shayne tipped me off to this thread so I
>thought I'd better subscribe again and see whats going on.
>   Thanks
>       Todd (loving the Quattro List "and its offspring")
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