camshaft seal leakage

Phil Rose pjrose at
Fri Jan 24 23:47:21 EST 2003

At 3:28 PM -0500 1/24/03, George Sidman wrote:

>I too have an oil leak like Phil's, and have been unable to locate it.
>My timing belt, idler, water pump, etc. are new, so I don't believe is
>from under the TC.

Are you implying that you replaced the camshaft seal at the time of the TB
job? When I did the TB (on my other car), I did _not_ replace the camshaft
seal, and I'm under the impression that it's not a standard practice to do
so (although perhaps a good idea.) Anyway, if you feel like lying on the
ground with your head under the front end, it's possible to look up into
the TB area--and perhaps determine whether or not there's fresh oil in that
vicinity. I was surprised that (from there) I could get a glimpse of a
small section of timing belt--where it wraps over the top of the water
pump. Of course getting the TB cover loosened would allow (some) inspection
from above, however I always have a hard time unfastening that cover.


Phil Rose
'91 200q lago blue				Rochester, NY USA
'91 200q tornado red				mailto:pjrose at

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