all lights except for the headlights are not working

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Wed Jul 16 12:11:15 EDT 2003

At 07:01 AM 07/16/2003 -0700, bill bleiler wrote:
>all of a sudden my dash lights didnt come on when i
>turned on my headlights.  I assumed it was a bulb and
>kept driving, when one of my friends flashed me and
>told me that i had no rear lights, my brake lights
>worked but i had no rear lights or front running
>lights.   I continued driving it ( just avoided using
>the car at night and used the rear fog) then one
>morning i opened the trunk and the lights came back
>on....then a few days ago they shut off again, i went
>to open the trunk and presto, they came back on.  Then
>yesterday they didnt come on again, and opening the
>trunk didnt fix it... I checked the bulbs, but they
>were fine, I am assuming there is some sort of short
>back there....any suggestions?

You probably have broken insulation on the wiring where it enters the trunk
lid.  Look on the driver side at the front of the trunk lid hinge.  You'll
find a "harness" of wires entering the hinge.  If you take the covering off
the wires, you'll probably find some broken wires inside.

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