engine is bucking when a/c is on

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Thu Jul 17 16:17:41 EDT 2003

At 11:43 AM 07/17/2003 -0500, Gordy_Schesel at allianzlife.com wrote:

>I like your usage of the term "misfire" better than my "bucking" and I
>think you're right-on with your diagnosis...thanks.  And maybe Bernie will
>volunteer to supply the 10 cent solution...or was this a good natured dig
>on Bernie.
Far be it from me to flame Bernie.  Maybe he WILL supply the info.  When I
was dealing with the problem, he said I should solder an electronics device
in replacement of one I'd find failed in the A/C relay.  I had no idea
which relay was which, how I would identify the failed part, where I'd
obtain the required replacement to improve the relay's performance or
whether I had the equipment and skills required to do the unsoldering and
resoldering.  I learned where the relay is when I bought Audi's fix-it kit
because the new one had numbers on it I could find in the bank of relays in
the car.  I took the cover off the old relay and could not identify a
failed part thereon.  But the new relay and wiring harness insert solved
the problem.

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