Cooling System Is Craped(ing on me!)

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Fri Jul 18 16:04:10 EDT 2003

I just ordered new radiators from Scott Mockry, who's in Portland, Oregon.

At 10:32 AM 07/18/2003 -0700, Derek Pulvino wrote:
>Ok, new's the radiator, and it's not a broken fitting, but the end
>cap that's leaking.  What's the conventional wisdom at this point on
>radiators?  I remember somebody talking about going to a radiator shop to
>get work done, and guessing from the leak spot, I think it's repairable.
>Any suggestions on a good radiator shop in the Seattle area, or barring
>that, pound for pound, who's our favorite for radiators these days?

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