Accident update

Mike Miller mikemilr at
Wed Jun 4 21:18:09 EDT 2003

Thanks to all for the well wishes and the information after my accident a
couple weeks ago.

The insurance co. got two estimates  ( $5k and ~$5950) and averaged them of
course then deducted ~$550 for mileage of ~150k. Their initial offer is
$4875, less my $500 deductible of course. After my asking them how they
could get offers withouttalking to me and knowing the vehicles condition,
and getting nowhere, I inquired about the cost to buy the salvage. They said
something like $245.14 ( under $250 anyways) so I jumped on that. I then
jokingly said "of course, that includes delivery" and they said yes. Well,
an 80 mile tow is going to cost them close to $250 :-). The car was
delivered today.

What I need to do now is to send the ins. co. receipts of recent work
performed. Of course, I have close to 7 yrs worth of receipts and I am most
likely going to send them a package of all that to indicate how well the car
has been maintained and that it needed nothing and was ready to go another
50k mi with little maintenance costs. ( like that could ever happen :-)  I
suppose if I can get them up to $6k I'll be happy ( or as happy as I can
get). I suppose I have a small barganing chip now that the vehicle is here
and I can say I changed my mind, come and get it ( for another $250 tow).
Plus, I am in no hurry to settle and I know they hate to have an open case
on their books for too long.

My thoughts are to start looking for another 91 200q and just use the parts
from this one too keep a new one going somewhat inexpensively for a few
years. Should I decide to sell parts, I'll post to the list and Audi Fans.
It will be towards the end of summer (at least) before I decide what, if
any, parts are for sale.

Again, thanks for all the support.

mike miller
helmville mt

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