Hydraulic Pump Rebuild

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Mon Jun 9 16:40:35 EDT 2003

Derek, sounds like you're in deep dodo.

DFI if IAB!  If the shaft seal wasn't leaking or sucking air into the pump,
DFI!  No need to replaace the banjo fitting's static seals.  No need to
replace anything not leaking!  Usually just one cyl head o-ring does it.
No need for high torque on these cyl heads, screw driver tight is fine.  But
you must use antiseize on the o-ring when installing.


> From: "Derek Pulvino" <dbpulvino at hotmail.com>
> Date: Mon, 09 Jun 2003 14:33:21 -0700
> To: knotnook at traverse.com, richard at tanimuras.com, 200q20v at audifans.com
> Cc: b.benz at charter.net, pjrose at frontiernet.net
> Subject: RE: Hydraulic Pump Rebuild
> True that on what I received as well; aka no new caps.
> So, got the caps off (care of cold chisel and hammer ala Bernie Benz), and
> the pump split open, now can anybody provide some info on how to get the
> drive-shaft portion out of the body?  You know, the part that attaches to
> the pulley.  Kit included a new shaft seal for that portion, and I'd like to
> replace that as well.
> Also figured out that new o-rings for the external pentosin unions are not
> included with the kit.  Looks like time for 1-800 University Audi.
> Derek P
>> At 08:50 PM 06/09/2003 +0200, Richard Tanimura wrote:
>>> Derek,
>>> Here is my BTDT. My local wrench taught me this. I replaced all the plugs
>>> and O-ring using a large screwdriver. It was easy and I didn't have to buy
>>> any special drag link tools either. Remember, you don't have to worry
>>> about
>>> destroying plugs because you get new plugs as part of the replacement kits
>>> (at least in Sweden you do).
>> New caps are not part of the seals kit available in the US.
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