Electrical Question

Mike Miller mikemilr at blackfoot.net
Sat Jun 14 23:45:55 EDT 2003

----- Original Message -----
From: "adelphia" <g_dion at adelphia.net>
To: "Jonas Majauskas" <jmajau at balt.net>
Cc: <200q20v at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 14, 2003 10:13 AM
Subject: RE: Electrical Question

> Thank You!
> It is indeed an altitude sensor, at least it looks like the part shown in
> the Bentley's on 25.91. After reading the symptoms that a failing sensor
> emits, such as low maximun boost, my sensor is most likely dead. I reach
> on the gage, but it does
> not hold. I have not seen any fault code or check engine lights, but will
> try the voltage tests as described in Bentley.
> Thanks again!
> Grant In Colorado Springs

Suspect your problems are related to the Waste Gate frequency Valve or the
hose going to the Turbo Bypass valve. I highly doubt your problem is the
altitude sensor.  My understanding of this is that it reduces boost over
about 3500 ft.


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