[s-cars] Re: [urq] AutoFrost?

Bill Bennett ur.quattro at verizon.net
Sun Jun 22 21:10:13 EDT 2003

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Greg, I decided to be open minded and sent them a query, let you know the result when I get the reply. Best Regards, Bill PS don't tell Calvin about the open minded thing ;-) B
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Greg Johnson
  To: Bill Bennett
  Cc: Calvin & Diana Craig ; 200 List
  Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2003 11:08 AM
  Subject: Re: [s-cars] Re: [urq] AutoFrost?


  Check out www.duracool.com.

  Greg J

  Bill Bennett wrote:

  > Calvin, send me the Duracool specifications off list where we should
  > have been a message or two ago, (my apologies to all) and if Duracool
  > was cool, OEM's would be using it, ehh? Bill
  >     ----- Original Message -----
  >     From: Calvin & Diana Craig <mailto:calvinlc at earthlink.net>
  >     To: Bill Bennett <mailto:ur.quattro at verizon.net> ; Greg Johnson
  >     <mailto:gregsj2 at attbi.com> ; northwest audi enthusiasts
  >     <mailto:audi-nw at u.washington.edu> ; S Cars
  >     <mailto:s-car-list at audifans.com> ; V8 <mailto:V8 at audifans.com> ;
  >     urq <mailto:urq at audifans.com> ; 200 List
  >     <mailto:200q20v at audifans.com>
  >     Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 10:46 PM
  >     Subject: RE: [s-cars] Re: [urq] AutoFrost?
  >     Bill,
  >     I am just saying that you brought up the whole flammable thing and
  >     I don't think it's a relevant argument against using R-12
  >     substitutes when the "substitute" the industry has made standard
  >     is more flammable.  Why use Duracool...easy...I don't have to
  >     change my seals, etc. like I would if I switched to R-134a.  If I
  >     had an R-134a car would I use something different...probably not,
  >     too easy to put the same crap in there that the factory did.  And
  >     yes, it is scary that Saab builds airplanes.
  >     --Calvin
  >         -----Original Message-----
  >         From: Bill Bennett [mailto:ur.quattro at verizon.net]
  >         Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 11:14 PM
  >         To: Calvin & Diana Craig; Greg Johnson; northwest audi
  >         enthusiasts; S Cars; V8; urq; 200 List
  >         Subject: Re: [s-cars] Re: [urq] AutoFrost?
  >         Calvin, none of my cars have any refrigerant, I live in
  >         Orygun, save the weight, why haul around what you do not need,
  >         I just sit around every weekend spittin' and tossing matches
  >         with my beer buddies into a bucket filled with liquid
  >         gasoline, we bet who can make it lite off, the loser has to
  >         drink another beer, boy we get sheet faced! sit around and
  >         fart and beer burps and talk about the big difference between
  >         a liquid and a vapor (gas) in the same ignition event, we are
  >         thinking about building a device to collect vapor, go have
  >         some beers and toss matches and see what happens. And
  >         seriously! Duracool? who sells recycling machines for it? (no
  >         one) who sells recycling machines for R134a? All the A/C
  >         suppliers. Who supports Duracool with technical advise? no one
  >         I heard of. Who supports R134a with technical advise? Well
  >         MACS, iATN, SAE, LMVIND, WIS, TIS, Audi, Volvo, VW, Mickie
  >         Benz, BuMmerW, Porsche, Slaab( scary that Saab builds planes
  >         too), and all the American car manufacturers, oh, also the
  >         japs and koreans.   Bill PS R 134a may not be the best
  >         coolant, it is the industry standard
  >             ----- Original Message -----
  >             From: Calvin & Diana Craig <mailto:calvinlc at earthlink.net>
  >             To: Bill Bennett <mailto:ur.quattro at verizon.net> ; Greg
  >             Johnson <mailto:gregsj2 at attbi.com> ; northwest audi
  >             enthusiasts <mailto:audi-nw at u.washington.edu> ; S Cars
  >             <mailto:s-car-list at audifans.com> ; V8
  >             <mailto:V8 at audifans.com> ; urq <mailto:urq at audifans.com> ;
  >             200 List <mailto:200q20v at audifans.com>
  >             Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 9:38 PM
  >             Subject: RE: [s-cars] Re: [urq] AutoFrost?
  >             Bill,
  >             I hope you don't have any R134a in any of your vehicles.
  >             The autoignition temperature for that is 300 degrees LESS
  >             than Duracool.  I don't know about Autofrost, but Duracool
  >             is what I use.  A full charge of this stuff will create a
  >             flash for 1 to 1.5 seconds when ignited, which of course
  >             is harder to do than the R134a that is in all the newer
  >             vehicles.  People see the word hydrocarbon and get
  >             scared.  EVERYTHING is flammable, it's just a matter of at
  >             what temperature and under what conditions.
  >             I don't quite understand the statement about throw a match
  >             on liquid gasoline and it goes out.  I thought gas was one
  >             of the best fire accelerators around.
  >             --Calvin
  >                 -----Original Message-----
  >                 From: Bill Bennett [mailto:ur.quattro at verizon.net]
  >                 Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 11:47 PM
  >                 To: Calvin & Diana Craig; Greg Johnson; northwest audi
  >                 enthusiasts; S Cars; V8; urq; 200 List
  >                 Subject: Re: [s-cars] Re: [urq] AutoFrost?
  >                 Yeah, and it is not a foot from the front of the car
  >                 in vapor in a fragile aluminum tube boob, no thanks
  >                 Calvin, I like my urq too much to use this sheet,
  >                 throw a match on liquid gasoline it goes out, throw a
  >                 match on flammable gas? WHOMP!
  >                     ----- Original Message -----
  >                     From: Calvin & Diana Craig
  >                     <mailto:calvinlc at earthlink.net>
  >                     To: Bill Bennett <mailto:ur.quattro at verizon.net> ;
  >                     Greg Johnson <mailto:gregsj2 at attbi.com> ;
  >                     northwest audi enthusiasts
  >                     <mailto:audi-nw at u.washington.edu> ; S Cars
  >                     <mailto:s-car-list at audifans.com> ; V8
  >                     <mailto:V8 at audifans.com> ; urq
  >                     <mailto:urq at audifans.com> ; 200 List
  >                     <mailto:200q20v at audifans.com>
  >                     Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 9:52 PM
  >                     Subject: RE: [s-cars] Re: [urq] AutoFrost?
  >                     Yeah, so is gas, but we seem to put about 21
  >                     gallons of that in the car :)
  >                     --Calvin
  >                     -----Original Message-----
  >                     From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
  >                     <mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com>
  >                     [mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]On Behalf Of
  >                     Bill Bennett
  >                     Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2003 10:10 PM
  >                     To: Greg Johnson; northwest audi enthusiasts; S
  >                     Cars; V8; urq; 200 List
  >                     Subject: [s-cars] Re: [urq] AutoFrost?
  >                     This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
  >                     --
  >                     [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  >                     after visiting their website using that
  >                     refrigerant in an URQ would be a BAD
  >                     idea. URQ's use the mini York, the shaft seal
  >                     materials are not compatible
  >                     with that refrigerant R406A and it is flammable!
  >                     not a good idea in a car,
  >                     Kaboom! in a collision event! pay the piper and
  >                     stay with R-12 or convert to
  >                     R-134a. Regards, Bill
  >                       ----- Original Message -----
  >                       From: Greg Johnson
  >                       To: northwest audi enthusiasts ; S Cars ; V8 ;
  >                     urq ; 200 List
  >                       Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 9:39 PM
  >                       Subject: [urq] AutoFrost?
  >                       Have any of you successfully used AutoFrost
  >                     instead of Freon?
  >                       See www.autofrost.com <http://www.autofrost.com>
  >                       TIA for your input.
  >                       Greg J
  >                       BIRA.ORG
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  >                     --
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