after run turbo pump and high fan speed

Phil and Judy Rose pjrose at
Wed Jun 25 16:06:51 EDT 2003

At 9:57 AM -0600 6/25/03, Lou.Martin at wrote:
>Started troubleshooting late last night, but got dark and cold front chased
>me back in the house.
>After run turbo pump doesn't run.......any tricks to removing the 2 wires at
>the after run temp sensor?  twist or pull straight down?  Water manifold was
>still hot so I used long-nosed pliers and broke a rubber boot trying.  Wire
>is still connected. Will also check fuse #21.
>Fan comes on in fast/jet blast mode.

However when it's in afterrun mode, the fan runs at lowest
speed--very, very quiet.

*  Phil & Judy Rose           Rochester, NY  *
*        mailto:pjrose at       *

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