fuel pump check valve(s) dilemma

Phil Rose pjrose at frontiernet.net
Mon Jun 30 17:24:51 EDT 2003

At 3:47 PM -0400 6/30/03, Peter Schulz wrote:
>DId you resolve the issue with Rod?
>How will I know which part to order?

I spoke to Rod a few minutes ago. He was surprised that this Bosch
part was sent, because the Audi p/n on the bag was correct. It was
evidently misbagged (i.e., contained the wrong Bosch part). So, a bag
with the (Audi)  321 906 093 label _should_ have  the correct part
(i.e., the Bosch 587 010 533). When you order you might request that
they have their warehouse verify that the bag contains this Bosch p/n.


>At 03:36 PM 6/30/2003 -0400, Phil Rose wrote:
>>At 2:05 PM -0400 6/30/03, motogo1 wrote:
>>>How timely. My Avant just started to have hot start problems. So a check
>>>valve is what I need?
>>>  Keep us posted on what you find out.  Thanks
>>I managed to find a local source for a proper check valve. The new
>>Bosch valve is quite similar to the one it's replacing--just a little
>>shorter in the mid-section, but there's plenty of room to install the
>>banjo fitting and also the damper. The reduced length in the middle
>>makes it a little more difficult to get a (box) wrench on the flats
>>of the valve to tighten it up, but it can be done.
>>The new valve is now in--we'll see if it cures the hot-start problem.
>>Considering that I could easily blow air (hot air, of course) through
>>the old valve I just removed, it seems certain that the new valve
>>will fix things.
>>The good Bosch p/n is 1 587 010 533 (cross-over from the Audi 443 906 093)
>>P.S. The Bosch p/n to *avoid* is 1 587 010 004
>>Phil Rose
>>Rochester, NY
>>mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net
>>200q20v mailing list
>>200q20v at audifans.com


Phil Rose
Rochester, NY
mailto:pjrose at frontiernet.net

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