Vac Leak Test

David Head v8q at
Tue May 27 14:55:04 EDT 2003

That would be 'torque'...
'Torching' the valvecover gasket would not prevent leaks as you seem to
desire...  :-)

Chewy4000 at wrote:

>Thnx Brett and other AudiFans for the info in testing this vac leak.
>I found that maybe when I replaced the valve cover gasket I didn't torch down the cover. I say this cause I was getting with only 5psi in the system a nice his out the back halfmoons of the seal, with a little oil sound too.
>Could someone tell me what is recomended torch for the cover so I could test again for other leaks.
>I only managed to add like between 5-8 psi and the only leak I found was the back of the motor, I tried it both ways with and without the breather hose. Wondering how much more is possible?
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