When it rains, it pours
Peter Schulz
peschulz at cisco.com
Tue Sep 2 23:36:07 EDT 2003
Sorry to hear about the incident. Be glad that it wasn't on the way home from the hospital with a newborn and a early post partem wife :-) <BTDT>
The switch itself is a standard VAG part and about $20..you may want to carry a spare in the future...
Pull the knee bar, reach under and pull out the harness, insert new switch and "hotwire"the car.
Removing the actual switch from the ignition cylinder is another story.
you need to essentially remove the steering column, or at least rotate it sufficiently to access the security torx bolt holding the ignition key cylinder and switch. the switch is secured by two loctited screws to the ignition cylinder. contrary to the pictures in bentley, you cannot access these screws from above ( evidently the bentley pictures are from a pre airbag type 44) I can send a longer write up if needed, but you are probably looking into a 4-6 hour total job.
You may also find that the finger that extends from the key cylinder into the switch had broken, which means you need to replace this cylinder, which means that you will have to follow the bentley instructions to drill the lock mechanism to extract the cylinder...then if you want to maintain 1 key for the car, you will have to have a locksmith rekey the new cylinder....whew.
Let me know if you want the details
Good luck!!!
At 08:17 PM 9/2/2003 -0600, Mike Miller wrote:
>Went to head home this afternoon, turned the key and no starter. Discovered
>that the ignition switch is broken and in the on position.
Peter Schulz
1990 CQ (awaiting S2 3b engine transplant)
1991 200 20v TQW indigo mica
1991 200 20v TQW titanium grey
Chelmsford, MA USA
peter at audifans.com
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