Wastegate diaphram

George Sidman sidman at montereynet.net
Sun Apr 4 20:06:41 EDT 2004

Well.... Here I am, like an idiot on a lovely Sunday afternoon trying
to crack the nut loose on the wastgate diaphram on the recently
acquired '90 200. Scott's instructions say to jam a screwdriver down
between the wastegate body, and the diaphram cup. I can get a large
channel lock on the cup, but that does no good, as there is obviously
something turning below that to which the threaded part is attached.
There is no room to jam anything down there except the IQ of the moron
that designed this thing. A quick look at removing the entire
wastegate assembly from the exhaust makes a root canal look

George Sidman, President
sidman at montereynet.net
Monterey Network Center
9701 Blue Larkspur Lane
Monterey, CA  93940

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