front end refurbish

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Mon Aug 9 15:17:58 EDT 2004


FYI, I will fwd my 11/01 Wheel Bearing Postmortem, ws  Note to Benz Strut
Brace users post to you.

> From: bill bleiler <b_ill78 at>
> Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2004 09:46:40 -0700 (PDT)
> To: 200q20v at
> Subject: front end refurbish
> I have a wheel bearing that is heading south on the passengers side, so while
> i have it apart to have the new bearing put in i would like to "freashen up"
> the front end and was wondering if anyone had any advice on what to replace,
> im planing on replacing the swaybar bushings/subframe bushings..
Why?  DFI if IAB!
>.. the control 
> arms are fairly new, and the h+r/bilstein's are around 3 yrs old, should i do
> the upper strut bearings?
What does "do" mean?  If you have the strut out of the car and are removing
the spring, do clean and relube the strut thrust bearing, don't replace it.

> Also I am thinking of installing bernie's strut
> brace w/ opening up the holes on the top of the strut towers to try to get it
> so my inside front tires dont wear out quite as fast, any BTDTs would be a
> great help
Check your camber and toe before and after, see my DIY wheel alignment on
C.Miller's site.

> bill
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