testing the fuel injectors ...need fuel pump pressure

Chuck Pierce cpcycle at earthlink.net
Mon Aug 9 18:13:52 EDT 2004

In looking for my not passing smog problems I have found a few problems. 
Bad crank case ventilation valve, leaking fuel regulator, a bad vacuum 
hose going to the fuel pressure regulator and air leaks at the injectors.
I am now trying to check the spray patterns on the fuel injectors.
I put together a little switch to apply power to the injectors
I have pulled the the fuel bar and injectors and reattached the fuel lines.
What is the trick to get the fuel pump to run to provide pressure to 
test the injectors?
I did the test of getting the injectors to cycle when  actuating the 
throttle  and check out the ISV and the other stuff that get looked at 
in the test cycle, that worked good.
Noticed that the fuel pump has a place for a fuse, does inserting a fuse 
here get the pump to work?

Chuck Pierce
91 200tq 20v Avant

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