Noisy A/C Compressor

Phil Rose pjrose at
Mon Jan 19 21:19:52 EST 2004

At 5:33 PM -0700 1/19/04, andy wrote:
>I have alot of noise coming from the front of the radiator, 
>especially in cold weather at start up. I assume it is the A/C 
>Compressor or clutch. Does this sound right?

How cold is "cold weather"; since when it's below about 45 F, I 
believe the A/C compressor is forced to be inoperative, in which case 
I'd be a little skeptical of there being an audible compressor (or 
clutch?) problem. If it is still warm enough to operate the A/C (do 
you have the climate control turned to "auto"?),  you should check 
drive-belt tension, to rule out slippage (is it squealing)? This can 
tend to be heard during startup.



Phil Rose
Rochester, NY
mailto:pjrose at

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