Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Tue Jan 20 06:03:57 EST 2004

I've found it effective in stopping the extension of rusting on my 200q20v
in those typical spot under the chrome strip above the rear bumper and in
the gravel guard at the rear of the front wheelwells.  It DOES discolor if
exposed to the sun any length of time.  I used the clear product on spots
around my windshield where whoever replaced the glass ruined the paint by
prying on it.  It got too cold before my order of topcoating paint arrived,
so I didn't get to cover it.  It now is yellowing.  The company says its
rust treatment is not affected by the discoloring, just its cosmetic
attributes.  The stuff WAS clear when it first cured.

At 06:39 AM 1/20/2004 +0100, Richard Tanimura wrote:
>I have asked about POR15 on this side of the Atlantic and get very little
>BTDT. What's the verdict? Is it all they say it is on their website?
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