Calibrating torque wrenches, was dist. rattle

Bernie Benz b.benz at
Wed Jan 28 11:44:32 EST 2004

> From: <auditude at>
> Okay, those are nice technical terms.  But I guess I didn't see where you
> answered my question.  What do you Do Yourself to fix a torque wrench that
> doesn't work, just replace it?
That's about all that you can do with the clicker type.  The beam type
always "works".  Just apply your correction factor.

>Do you apply a correction factor to all its measurements?
Sure, as necessary.
>> If one does not know what he has paid for, it most probably was not worth
>> the price.
> Since my torque wrench now works better than it did when I sent it in, what
> does that last statement have to do with this thread?
What does "works better" mean?
> There is a such a thing as "core competency" you know, where you outsource
> things that can better be done efficiently and effectively by someone else.
> Nowhere in this concept is there a requirement to fully understand the methods
> used.  The end result is what's relevant.
> My not knowing how they made it better is only a problem when I try to DIY the
> calibration of my torque wrench.  I was waiting for you to explain how you Do
> That Yourself, and I guess I still am.  If it's not possible or practical,
> just say so.
One method, I put the 1/2" drive end in the bench vice, stand on the
bathroom scale and push up or down on the wrench handle, the diff in
indicated weight being the applied force.  Knowing the length of the handle,
you know the applied torque.


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