Euro Replacement Lens Question

Wed Jan 28 16:14:26 EST 2004


I have had a somewhat bizarre questions regarding the Euro light that has been bothering me for a while.  

As one who is always concerned with the bottom line, and the fact that my gracious previous owner replaced both front headlamp assemblies with brand new DOT versions and they aren't damaged at all...has any one ever tried, or is it at all possible, to somehow disassemble and attach Euro lenses to the DOT headlamp assembly body?  

I realize that the high beam H1 is where the marker lamp is on the Euros, but that can all be rearranged with some creative wiring.  Frankly, I don't care too much about the city bulb either.  It's the standard beam pattern that I'm after!  

I was looking at the DOT's the other day for a moment and noticed what I thought to be retaining clips holding the glass on.  Does that mean that it is removable?  I have to think that this is NOT AT ALL POSSIBLE, otherwise this option would, of course, be displayed all over the list.  I am just very, very curious.  I have not seen 20020v or 5k turbo Euro assemblies before and I don't know how the glass mates to the body.  Do the Euro's use retaining clips to hold the glass on?  

Any one have any _light_ to shed on this? 



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