200 oil burning

pronn at rock.com pronn at rock.com
Tue Jul 20 10:09:44 EDT 2004

Greg, So far I have had nothing but good luck with the K&N in my 200. I was told by a few guys on this list that the oils from the filter can screw up the MAF. I suspect this could be true in but not in my case. It seems to perform just fine, for 2 years now. I might replace it with Audi OEM simply because they are the master engineers and OEM is what they recommend. We'll see. Paul --Original Message-- From: Watts<kyle at sopris.net> To: <200q20v at audifans.com> 
Subject: 200 oil burning 
I don't know about the K&N, my mechanic say's it increases air flow so I 
would assume it would increase the power - there are a lot of opinions 
about that. 
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