To chip or not to chip

pronn at pronn at
Fri Jul 23 11:08:47 EDT 2004

Greetings:  I have been told not to mess with getting chips (Blauf, tap1,etc.). I wouldn't mind additional hp but not at the expense of motor life. Greg mentions his Hoppen stage 2 is good, runs smooth. Are there others with experience concerning any stage 1 or 2 chips that would recommend them. I have a stainless exhaust installed (pics to come) to increse breathing. Suggestions?  Paul --Original Message-- From: Watts<kyle at> To: <200q20v at> 
Subject: 91 tq WAGON SMOKING continues... 
  Hello all, 

Pulled the hose from my RS turbo and bingo! The turbo is seized. Does 
not spin freely, no play in the shaft, literally. This turbo had 40K 
miles on it. Now I know what is causing my smoking. I feel a little 
silly in that I have always had ur-q's and felt that this car hauled 
ass, but I never have driven it with the functioning turbo (I have had 
the car for 3k miles)! The hoppen stage 2 chip is impressive. Does 
anyone have experience in getting these turbo's rebuilt? Send it to KKK? 
Thanks for all of your suggestions. 
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