turbo rebuild....91 tq WAGON SMOKING continues...

Brian Link BrianL at starsys.com
Fri Jul 23 11:46:34 EDT 2004

Greg are you in Colorado?  You can get a rebuild kit from TEC (Turbo
engineering Corp) in Golden, CO for about $75 - $100.  Or they can
rebuild it for $$$.  Take your turbo out and take it apart.  You will
find the only tools to rebuild it are snap ring pliers.  Your situation
sounds like you have had a catastrophic turbo failure.  

Or another thought is to loosen the 6 fasteners around the compressor
housing and see if the shaft spins freely.  If so you can try to
re-tighten everything.  


> Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2004 07:16:46 -0600
> From: "Watts" <kyle at sopris.net>
> Subject: 91 tq WAGON SMOKING continues...
> To: <200q20v at audifans.com>
> Message-ID: <000001c470b7$4ebb99a0$6401a8c0 at DFH5N231>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"
> Hello all,
> Pulled the hose from my RS turbo and bingo! The turbo is seized. Does
> not spin freely, no play in the shaft, literally. This turbo had 40K
> miles on it. Now I know what is causing my smoking. I feel a little
> silly in that I have always had ur-q's and felt that this car hauled
> ass, but I never have driven it with the functioning turbo (I have had
> the car for 3k miles)! The hoppen stage 2 chip is impressive. Does
> anyone have experience in getting these turbo's rebuilt? Send it to
> Thanks for all of your suggestions.
> Greg

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