A/C control Head

Gordy_Schesel at allianzlife.com Gordy_Schesel at allianzlife.com
Mon Jun 14 15:36:24 EDT 2004

I had been having problems with the a/c control head also.  the a/c  would
work intermittently, and it never showed any faults in memory.  My reading
of the Bentley led me to page D8-40 which allows for interpretation of the
LEDs available when displaying channel 7.  Channel 7 is for "graphic
display of output control information for a/c programmer".   There are 9
LEDs that are explained, the one for #8 (compressor on)  was not lighting
up.  These LEDs are also explained on Chris Miller's website under section
Climate Control System and subsection Error Codes.

Just on a hunch, this past weekend I removed the CC head and took it apart,
as far as possible, including disconnecting the front panel to circuit
board connector plug.  A year ago, I purchased a starter kit (on-line) from
CAIG laboratories for cleaning and improving electrical contacts.  I used
their ProGold on a tiny Qtip-like applicator that comes with the kit.
Anyway, I wiped the contact pins and the plug as much as I could, and also
did the contacts on the CC head connector plug.  I reassembled and
reinstalled and the a/c control has been working OK since.  Now the #8 LED
comes on, indicating the compressor is on.

My hunch referred to earlier was that the problem began happening after
having the system converted to R134a and also after having the interior
detailed by a detail shop.  The R134a conversion went OK except for overly
noisy compressor and a pressure loss over the winter, which was rectified
the next season with green-dye and a recharge.  So I believed the a/c
system was not the problem.  I began thinking that the detail shop guys
apparently use a pressure sprayer for applying Armorall.  They had sprayed
the face of the a/c control head with a force hard enough for the spray to
appear on the back side of the clear plastic face and around every one of
the push buttons.  When I took it apart I sprayed WD40 around and inside
the push button controls, hoping it would loosen and wash away any residual
Armorall overspray.

That's all I did, and so far, so good.  Knock wood, since it has been
observed as working only one day so far.

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