CV Boots

Phil Rose pjrose at
Mon Mar 15 15:54:13 EST 2004

At 11:41 AM -0800 3/15/04, Bernie Benz wrote:
>There should be no reason to replace the inner boot
>unless it has suffered external damage, as its deflection angle is very
>small so will/should never self destruct.

Believe it or not, I was about to make the very same point. My Lago 
car had a torn outer boot replaced a couple of years ago, and at that 
time a close inspection of the inner boots revealed no evidence of 
splitting/cracking, so we decided to "leave well-enough alone".


Phil Rose				Rochester, NY USA
'91 200q	(140K, Lago blue)
'91 200q   (64K, Tornado red)			mailto:pjrose at

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