winter oils

Peter Schulz pcschulz at
Fri Nov 5 10:11:23 EST 2004

At 09:45 AM 11/5/2004, Mike Miller wrote:

>----- Original Message ----- From: feelstranger
>By the Book, 10W-30 is not for below about 5F and 5-30 is not for above 
>about 15F.  That's a tough overlap when temps in the morning may be -20F 
>one week and day time highs in the 30's the next...
>I use Mobile 1 15w50 year round in MT. On those sub 0 mornings, the car 
>starts just fine.
>mike miller
>200q20v mailing list


I typically run Mobil 1 15w 50.....regretted it using it in my CQ this past 
January in Whitefield NH, near Tim Oneil's Rally school, where overnight 
temperatures were in the -20 F, touching -30 F...The oil had the 
consistency of glue that morning - took a full 15 minutes with jumper 
cables attached to a running car to get the engine to turn over and idle.

Next morning it only went to -20, and it DID start on its own.
However, if you KNOW that you will be regularly dealing with temperatures 
below 0 F, I would recommend switching to 10w 30, as the manual recommends...


1991 200 20v Q Avant Titan Grey
1991 200 20v Q Avant Indigo Mica
1990 CQ silver (awaiting S2 transplant)
1985 4000s and peeling CC

Chelmsford Ma, USA 

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