200 20V Tie Rod Assys Has V8s?

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Sun Nov 7 10:17:34 EST 2004

> From: Brice2004 at webtv.net (Brice Warnick)
> I posted about this last month and wanted to make damn sure I was
> proceeding correctly.
> The ETKA calls out for V8 tie rod assys. on modified vehicles.  It
> appears that modified vehicles means those that have the G60 conversion
> done.
> The V8 tie rod assy. nos. are
> 441 419 801D Left
> 441 419 802D Right
> I have the V8 assys. as there are 2 very distinct bends in each rod
> assy. 
> It does not appear that there is anything that would cause interference
> by using the 200 tie rod assy nos.
> 443 419 801E Left
> 443 419 802E Right
> Peter Bergin replied last month that he used the 200 tie rod assys. with
> no problem after he discovered that he had the V8s in due to the G60
> conversion.
> I am sure that Peter is correct but to be on the safe side my questons
> are.
> 1. Was this an error in the G60 conversion to take the 200 20V tie rod
> assys off and put on V8 tie rod assys. on?  Why would Audi have went to
> that expense on 200 20Vs when the V8 part nos. were only used to clear
> the V8  exhaust?
Just to complete the down grade?

> 2. Or did the original UFO 200 20Vs have the V8 tie rod assys.?
No.  Mine are straight.
> 3. Or is there a reason other than exhaust clearance that the V8 tie rod
> assys. were used?
> Was there a definite structual reason of some sort?
> 4. This is a dumb question but here goes. Whch would be stronger? A
> straight tie rod assy. like the 200 or the V8 assy. that has a couple of
> bend in it?
A straight column is much less suceptable to buckling under compression
loads and is stiffer in both compression and tension.

Why are you replacing the complete rods anyway?

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