Power Steering Pump

todnad at comcast.net todnad at comcast.net
Mon Nov 8 12:46:21 EST 2004

Thanks Dad...won't happen again.


-------------- Original message -------------- 

> > From: todnad at comcast.net 
> > 
> > Bolt snapped where (appears to be h.p. side) hose connects to pump (was making 
> > a sharp turn at a very slow speed - heard the snap then lost steering/brakes). 
> > Can I just replace bolt or purchase rebuild kit? 
> > ?Best place for either? 
> > 1/4 of the bolt is still seated in the hole but should be able to get it out 
> > in one peice (I hope). 
> Here comes the Old Fart's fatherly advice! 
> Never, NEVER, ever, EVER, touch the rack's end stops, let alone holding the 
> wheel against them!!!! You are lucky that you only broke a defective banjo 
> bolt, rather than blowing the rack's high pressure rod seal. The pump's 
> relief valve is set to pop off at about 3000 psi, which is only reached when 
> something prevents the requested rack motion. 
> Just replace the banjo bolt, Lots of them at your AWs. 
> Bernie 
> > Thanks, 
> > 
> > TT 

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