Brake Bleed Q:
Bernie Benz
b.benz at
Wed Sep 8 10:50:38 EDT 2004
From: SuffolkD at
FISH ON?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bernie: Legit questions on a new to me car with ~20,000 miles on it. No
maint history except I could tell the brakes were new all
around......certainly NOT original at 133K.
Why not? Mine are original at 180K.
1: Curious to why so little fluid comes out the rear bleeders.
A waste of precious thought.
To post a correction about the previous pad condition for you.
Since I first posted two weeks ago, the actual pad depth was far greater
than first thought. Except for the RR which had 1/3 pad left in and out.
All had even wear.
Boots intact, greased, clean fluid in the res.
Assuming that the rear pads were changed on both sides at the same time (I
don't necessarily, DFI if IAB!), this symptom indicates that this RR caliper
is gummed up and not freely releasing or/and the other side, LR is so gummed
up and has a frozen piston.
The wafer thin pad I referenced was in the dark, on a jack where the carrier
proximity to the rotor (not scored) was close that in the poor lighting it
tricked me. Upon securing the car and sticking my head against the back of
the caliper & carrier where the springs atop the pads go, was I then able to
accurately determine the pad thickness being 1/2 at worst, so R&R was NOT
necessary. Mintex reds standing by.
The Henny Penny syndrom.
Just because I can go three plus track events & 20K on the same pads and
rotors before one set out of four wears through? Considering they were firm
and relatively fade free last week from 122 MPH - 70 MPH stops? "Spirited
use"? Teched three times over two years? Dot 4?
These are Qs? Or expressions of luck?
Since the brakes need attention (vs. before) new pads, rotors, boots and
grease, bleed and maybe new lines? MC too someday.
More Qs! Overhaul the hydraulics, all calipers, so you know of your
starting conditions.
Since the listers have helped with the motor vacuum leaks (chipped now at
1.6 bar) the indicated 130MPH /actual 122 MPH at Watkins Glen necessitates
working the brakes HARD. Not surprising. Since the overall lap pace is now
15 MPH faster in a 3800 lbs car.
MC bothering you? Considering the fluid is clear like spring water in the
res, why the panic?
The MC exhibits a specific condition repeatable time after time at a certain
HEAT condition. Pedal is firm on the street sans the 1" drop when the MC is
beginning to drag.
Me, bothered you your MC? Its the fluid condition in the calipers that is
of import, not that in the reservoir.
Someone explained the seals swell.
You don't like that explanation and you may be right, but when heat is
introduced to the MC the brakes drag in ambient above 80 degrees stopped in
Something is putting pressure on the lines. Maybe its something keeping the
piston from returning completely as designed.
You're just speculating, inasmuch as you know nothing of the hydraulic
Does it hurt to ask those who probably know more than I do?
So why can't this be a functioning system to you? Certainly there are cars
with more issues out and about.
You're speculating that your car may be in slightly better condition than
the worst car on the road! Makes you feel better?
Bentley lists the "bleed" sequence under 200 Turbo not the 200 3B. So I'm
double checking and asking Q's.
So I've run into some interesting (to me) stuff.......... no pee and moan.
Overhaul your hydraulic system first, then ask Qs, for meaningful answers.
Except from you.
-Scott by BOSTON asking................
Come on Scott!
You've been on this list a long time, why all this P&Ming? What some won't
go through just to avoid a complete hydraulic system overhaul! Any
maintaince history, or are you just pulling the list's leg?
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