Broken door lock

Chuck Pierce cpcycle at
Fri Sep 24 20:00:05 EDT 2004

Well I finally got a round to pulling the door apart. I want to thank 
the owner of the Quattro123 site the window regulator piece was a great 
When I got it all apart I found the lock had been upgraded but a couple 
of the little plastic clips that hold the actuating rods on the locking 
mech. and the door handle had died.
So I put it back together and have the clips coming.
Damn I love doing something twice.
At least now I know how to pull the door apart and get after the front 
passenger window to get it to work.
Round two with the car will happen next week.
At least with the wagon I can climb in from the rear hatch ( another 
wonderful advantage of the wagons ) to unlock the car.

Chuck Pierce
91 200tq Wonder Wagon

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