200 Ignition Switch Replacement

Abe Berman yellowcuda at gmail.com
Tue Apr 12 08:49:34 EDT 2005

Unfortunately, I did not check the operation of the mechanical switch
before re-assembly.  Maybe it was the excitement of actually having
gotten the switch out or maybe it was the fact that it was getting
dark outside that made me rush, we' ll never know...  DOH!

With regard to other replies, I have tried two different keys with no
other keys on the key chain with the same binding in the switch.  I am
thinking of trying some graphite to lube up the mechanical switch
before I go in and disassemble the switch again.

With regard to the airbag light, I know how to reset it, I was more
mystified as to what triggered it, as I did not disconnect it during
the procedure.  I will pull the codes and see if they tell any of the
story.  In the meantime, car is drivable, which is good!

Thanks for the replies, I will update on graphites success or failure tomorrow.


Message: 12
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 19:21:37 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tony Hoffman <tfh400036 at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: 200 Ignition Switch Replacement
To: quattro at audifans.com
Message-ID: <20050412022138.1011.qmail at web53903.mail.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Actually, the spring is in the electrical part. Just replaced mine.
However, there may be binding in the mechanical part of the switch.
Did you check the electrical part for the return as intended before
you installed it? Did you check the mechanical part for smooth
opperation before installing the electrical part as well?

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