Easy to jump on the band wagon................

SuffolkD@aol.com SuffolkD at aol.com
Wed Aug 3 00:59:37 EDT 2005

But Someone gave me a helping hand..............
up on the band width wasting soap box:

Brett, a "trim your post reminder" would be nice.  A Harlequim lenght lecture 
what we're doing wrong isn't so proper either..........

Top posting is great for the answer to a question with a reference attached 
agreed that long quotations of the thread topic are not.........

Most of us seem to try.

You're getting a wee bit heavy handed in your handling of some of these list 

BTW: getting the 200 20V list more than once a week would be fine with 
me......whole digest or not in the responses.

-Scott by BOSTON
car for sale, here's my Ebay link: blah, blah, blah, banned.

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