coolant leakage/no idle update

Kerry Griffith i2k at
Mon Jul 18 21:35:49 EDT 2005

Turns out that the reservoir cap was indeed leaking. Proved this via a 
new cap. Life was very good until I discovered that the previous cap 
was indeed the worst leak, but not the only one. Plastic tank appears 
to be quite dry, whilst coolant drips from the shrouded area in which 
the radiator is hidden. New plastic tank from dealer sits on garage 

To make matters worse, the car once again exhibited a refusal to idle 
(all this while at operating temp). AC on or off made no difference- 
the car would start only if I depressed the gas pedal, and only run if 
the rpm exceeded about 1500. After four or five attempts it decided to 
idle again. I'm back to checking ISV and related bits once again.
My patience is wearing thin.


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