Steering lock assy removal

Chuck Pierce cpcycle at
Sun Oct 9 17:31:14 EDT 2005

THe key is stuck in the ignition tumblers, I have taken that area apart 
to give me room to separate the lock assembly from the steering column 
I just cannot get the lock assembly  all the way out of the steering 
column  mount. It is as though the steering wheel lock is not quite 
pulled all the way back .
Before I destroyed everything taking it apart the the steering column 
was unlocked with the key in any position.
The sad part is it is probably something really simple in what is 
preventing me from getting it apart and I just cannot see it.
Yes I have a Bentley's. I would assume that when it is a far apart as I 
have it, that lock assembly should just come out.


> not sure if we are talking about the same thing but if you put the key 
> into the ignition the shaft retracts into the lock assembly.
> Chuck Pierce <cpcycle at> wrote:
>     Ok Gang
>     I have every thing down there apart.
>     It seems that the steering wheel lock shaft might not be
>     retracting all
>     the way.
>     I see the slot on the bottom of the steering shaft mount that will
>     allow
>     the lock shaft to slip down
>     except mine seems to be still extended in towards the steering column.
>     a. Is this normal?
>     b. does anyone have a picture of the steering lock assembly so I
>     can see
>     what is considered normal?
>     c. any BTDT's are appreciated
>     Thanks
>     Chuck Pierce
>     91 200tq 20v Avant
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