Further adventures in autocheck

Aaron Rosenstein admin at donotspam.org
Tue Oct 25 13:34:31 EDT 2005

So I unplugged teh Multi-Malfunction temp sensor to see if the warnings
went away, and they did not. The temp warning still flashes
intermittantly, leading me to believe there is a faulty connection in
the cluster itself. Also, My AC works fine with it plugged in or
unplugged. I still get the OIL pressure and brake pad warnings on and
off, so I'm really leaning towards just removing the autocheck system
completely. I no longer have the bose radio, so its not a big deal to me
Speaking of thermostats... I ordered one today to see if it makes me run
at normal temp, so I'm looking to see where it is and how to replace it
and my first thought is "oh wow, your kidding right?" does that seem
like a fun job or what??? It looks like the hydraulic pump has to come
out to get at it....

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