flexible brake lines

Bernie Benz b.benz at charter.net
Sat Oct 29 20:03:06 EDT 2005

> From: melvin guyer <melguy1 at yahoo.com>
> I have a '91 Audi200q20v, 68k miles. The flexible
> brake line sections to all the wheels have frayed and
> torn rubber coverings.  What would be the expected
> amount of time it would take to remove and replace
> these lines and bleed the brake system?
68K!  Where have you been storing this 13 year old car?

The rubber outside cover only offers abrasion protection for the braided
reinforcing cord covering the inner fluid conduit.  As such, age cracking of
this outer cover is a non issue, IMO.  If you do replace the rubber lines
and know nothing of the caliper and fluid service history, I would also plan
to overhaul the hydraulic interiors of the calipers at the same time and


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